Keep scrolling below for the wallpaper image to click and download



Today we celebrate the libras! This air sign is celebrated for their ability to see both sides of a situation with lovely peace-keeper qualities. If you’re a libra or know of one, please make sure you download the free background for your phone or computer 🙂

I’ve also included some fun trivia on this goddess of justice.

Desktop Wallpaper Download

View this page on your Mac. Right-click the above image and ‘save image as’ (make sure you save it into your ‘pictures’ folder). Navigate to your apple icon top left on your computer. Click and choose ‘system preferences’ then locate ‘desktop & screen saver’ click and navigate to your pictures folder where the image should be saved. Click the image to load it in.

View this page on your computer. Right-click the above image and save it to your ‘pictures’ folder.
Navigate to your ‘pictures’ folder, right-click the image and choose ‘set as desktop background’.


Phone Wallpaper Download

View this page on your iphone.  Hold the image above and click ‘add to photos’. Next, go into your ‘settings’ icon on your phone, scroll down to ‘wallpaper’ and then select ‘choose a new wallpaper’ which gives you access to your photos and the photo you just saved 🙂

View this page on your phone.  Hold the image above and click ‘download image’. Open up your phone’s ‘gallery app’ and find the photo you want to use and open it. Tap the three dots in the bottom-right and select ‘set as’ where you’ll have a range of options including adding it as your wallpaper.


all about the zodiac sign Libra


September 23 – October 22

Sign before Libra (Virgo: August 23 – September 22)
Sign after Libra (Scorpio: October 23- November 22)


This sign is all about justice, equality, and balance.  Libra’s date corresponds to equinox where night and day are (approximately) at equal length. Libra’s are constantly weighing both sides which can sometimes lead to indecisiveness. Ruled by the Planet Venus, Libra’s crave connection and love (they hate being alone) and a taste for all things beautiful. Libra’s will avoid conflict by people-pleasing, keeping the peace in any situation. Libra’s are known for their wisdom although at times can be too pragmatic. They’re charming, social creatures with a logical and intelligent mind.


Libra’s symbol is a glyph of the scales of justice – the only inanimate symbol in the zodiac.



Gemini and Aquarius (fellow air signs) – logical, objective, and rational, these great communicators make for a smooth sailing couple. Air signs are also social individuals know for their adventure and ability to make life fun 🙂

Leo: opposite attracts – Libra can bring stability and balance to Leo’s somewhat dramatic ways. Leo also sits two star signs away from Libra, a position known for making a perfect pairing.


A faint constellation with no first magnitude stars. Libra is home to the Gliese 581 planetary system – three confirmed planets, and two unconfirmed planets. Both Gliese 581d, and Gliese 581g are the most promising candidates for life. Stars Alpha and Beta Librae which make up the libra constellation are considered to represent the scales’ balance beam, while the stars, Gamma and Sigma are the weighing pans.

Libra was known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu (the “scales” or “balance”), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. The scales were held sacred to the sun god Shamash, who was also the patron of truth and justice. It was also seen as the Scorpion’s Claws in ancient Greece. Since these times, Libra has been associated with law, fairness, and civility. In ancient Egypt, the three brightest stars of Libra formed a constellation that was viewed as a boat. Libra only became a constellation in ancient Rome, when it began to represent the scales held by Astraea, the goddess of justice. Greek mythology celebrates titan goddess Themis (mother of Astraea) as the holder of the scales of justice. (source)


Will Smith
Hugh Jackman
Zac Efron
Kate Winslet
Serena Williams
Snoop Dogg
Matt Damon
Hilary Duff
Christopher Reeve
Alicia Silverstone
Sigourney Weaver
Zach Galifianakis
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Susan Sarandon
Michael Douglas


Find more Libra Celebs over here.

Not a Libra? Find the other astrology backgrounds here.

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