Keep scrolling below for the wallpaper image to click and download



As we head into the final months of the year we enter into Sagittarius season. This zodiac sign (represented by the centaur/archer) connects the human spirit to nature with a desire to hunt down ideas and seek out universal truths. If you’re a Sag or know one, then you already know they’re wise and independent with a joyful personality! Below are your free backgrounds (for desktop or phone) to keep and use – enjoy 🙂

 I’ve also included some fun trivia on this fire sign.

Desktop Wallpaper Download

View this page on your Mac. Right-click the above image and ‘save image as’ (make sure you save it into your ‘pictures’ folder). Navigate to your apple icon top left on your computer. Click and choose ‘system preferences’ then locate ‘desktop & screen saver’ click and navigate to your pictures folder where the image should be saved. Click the image to load it in.

View this page on your computer. Right-click the above image and save it to your ‘pictures’ folder.
Navigate to your ‘pictures’ folder, right-click the image and choose ‘set as desktop background’.


Phone Wallpaper Download

View this page on your iphone.  Hold the image above and click ‘add to photos’. Next, go into your ‘settings’ icon on your phone, scroll down to ‘wallpaper’ and then select ‘choose a new wallpaper’ which gives you access to your photos and the photo you just saved 🙂

View this page on your phone.  Hold the image above and click ‘download image’. Open up your phone’s ‘gallery app’ and find the photo you want to use and open it. Tap the three dots in the bottom-right and select ‘set as’ where you’ll have a range of options including adding it as your wallpaper.


all about the zodiac sign Sagittarius


Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21

Sign before Sagittarius (Scorpio: October 23 – November 22)
Sign after Sagittarius (Capricorn: December 22 – January 19)


The half-human, half-horse, Sagittarius connects human consciousness with the natural world. As independent individuals (with a love of new places and travel) a Sagittarius needs space and freedom and a large amount of time in nature. Being brutally honest can mean lacking tact but their secret skill is being generous alongside a joyous personality to attract others to them. Known for their wisdom, they appear to ‘know it all’ which at worse can manifest in arrogance and may need to be reigned in. They have a strong sense of personal integrity and fall more on the thinking vs feeling spectrum. With a natural curiously a Sagittarius may gravitate towards religion or philosophy as they seek out life’s meaning and universal truths.  It’s not unusual for a Sag to be a huge animal lover too!


The Sagittarius symbol is that of a bow and arrow, representing the archer – one of the more straight forward zodiac designs.



Fellow Fire Signs (Leo + Aries)
fire = passion
In these pairings, intensity and passion are brought into the relationship with both signs capable of handling the heat. All three fire signs share the trait of being independent leading to a union that isn’t clingy or dependent with a shared love of adventure to keep things fun 🙂

Sagittarius and Libra ( two star signs apart = a great match!)
Both signs are charming, logical with a mutual need for intellectual stimulation. The only downside is Libra’s hate being alone and Sagittarius’s love their space 😛


The center of the Milkyway lies in the westernmost part of Sagittarius.  The constellation of Sagittarius is often depicted as having the rough appearance of a stick-figure archer drawing its bow with the fainter stars providing the outline of the horse’s body, whilst the constellation’s brighter stars form a teapot shape. Astronomers believe that one of its components, known as Sagittarius A*, is associated with a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy, with a mass of 2.6 million solar masses. Although not visible to the eye, Sagittarius A* is located off the top of the spout of the teapot asterism.

The Babylonians identified Sagittarius as the god Nergal, a centaur-like creature firing an arrow from a bow. Nergal is generally depicted with wings, two heads (one panther, one human) as well as a scorpion’s stinger raised above a horse’s tail.

In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is usually identified as a centaur: half-human, half-horse. Some identify Sagittarius as the centaur Chiron, the son of Philyra and Cronus. Soon after giving birth to Chiron, Philyra abandoned her child out of shame and disgust. Chiron, effectively orphaned, was later found by the god Apollo, who took him under his wing and taught him the art of music, lyre, archery, medicine, and prophecy. Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, trained him in archery and hunting. Chiron’s uniquely peaceful character, kindness, and intelligence are attributed to Apollo and Artemis.

A competing mythological tradition, as espoused by Eratosthenes, identified the Archer not as a centaur but as the satyr Crotus, son of Pan, who Greeks credited with the invention of archery. According to myth, Crotus often went hunting on horseback and lived among the Muses, who requested that Zeus place him in the sky, where he is seen demonstrating archery.



Nicki Minaj
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jane Austen
Taylor Swift
Scarlett Johansson
Jimi Hendrix
Samuel L Jackson
Bruce Lee
Miley Cyrus
Charlie Puth
Brad Pitt
Mayim Bialik
Jamie Foxx
Britney Spears
Mark Ruffalo
Julianne Moore
Steven Spielberg
Jeff Bridges
Jim Morrison
Ben Stiller
Jonah Hill
Judi Dench
Winston Churchill
Ludwig van Beethoven
Jane Fonda
Ozzy Osbourne
Mark Twain
Vanessa Hudgens
Steve Buscemi
Katie Holmes
Christina Applegate
Frank Sinatra
Walt Disney
Billy Connolly


Find more Sagittarius celebs over here

Not a Sagittarius? Find the other astrology backgrounds here.

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