Keep scrolling below for the wallpaper image to click and download



We’ve hit Scorpio season and it’s time to celebrate all the fierce Scorpio’s out there with a free desktop and phone background to download. Scorpio’s intensity and interest in things (beyond the physical) make them one of the most intriguing signs out there! Here’s to a powerful birthday month for our Scorpio friends!

I’ve also included some fun trivia on this water sign.

Desktop Wallpaper Download

View this page on your Mac. Right-click the above image and ‘save image as’ (make sure you save it into your ‘pictures’ folder). Navigate to your apple icon top left on your computer. Click and choose ‘system preferences’ then locate ‘desktop & screen saver’ click and navigate to your pictures folder where the image should be saved. Click the image to load it in.

View this page on your computer. Right-click the above image and save it to your ‘pictures’ folder.
Navigate to your ‘pictures’ folder, right-click the image and choose ‘set as desktop background’.


Phone Wallpaper Download

View this page on your iphone.  Hold the image above and click ‘add to photos’. Next, go into your ‘settings’ icon on your phone, scroll down to ‘wallpaper’ and then select ‘choose a new wallpaper’ which gives you access to your photos and the photo you just saved 🙂

View this page on your phone.  Hold the image above and click ‘download image’. Open up your phone’s ‘gallery app’ and find the photo you want to use and open it. Tap the three dots in the bottom-right and select ‘set as’ where you’ll have a range of options including adding it as your wallpaper.


all about the zodiac sign Scorpio


October 23 – November 22

Sign before Scorpio (Libra: September 23 – October 22)
Sign after Scorpio (Sagittarius: November 23 – December 22)


With their famous stinger, Scorpios have reactive personalities and are known as the most intense sign in the zodiac. With a hard exterior they may sometimes present as cold or negative but they have a deep emotional intensity, carry an empathetic soul, and can be very intuitive and clairvoyant. They’re protective and loyal and seek it in return.  If their trust is broken Scorpio’s are the sign that will lash out. Scorpios are determined, clever, and carry a powerful presence, they’re determined with high standards and expect such standards to be met in return. They’re fiercely independent, hate being controlled and yet want control in their own life which can manifest in controlling or manipulative ways. Scorpios are unafraid to address the elephant in the room, uncover secrets, and explore the mysteries of life and the forces beyond our control. They are keen to ask the why and go beyond the superficial.


Scorpio shares the same ‘m’ design as Virgo but instead of the loop, the glyph closes with a spiked tail, representative of a scorpion’s stinger.



Fellow Water Signs (Cancer + Pisces)
Cancer: Due to the intense loyal nature of a Scorpio (and their tendency to become jealous!) Cancers provide a nice antidote, with their caring nature and devotion. Both pairs crave deep intimate soul sharing and are able to provide this to each other.

Pisces: A Pisces will provide a passive cool down to a Scorpio’s reactive nature. Both signs are deep thinkers and very intuitive. This couple will seek big answers and want to connect with something greater than their earthly existence.


Scorpio: Scorpio’s love (and fight!) harder than any other sign.  A Scorpio to Scorpio union creates concern for friction but Scorpio’s also value their space and thus hopefully able to negotiate time away from each other when things get too intense. This pairing comes together with a deep understanding of each other.


Scorpio is a large constellation, located in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way. The constellation contains many bright stars, including Antares (“rival of Mars,”) so named because of its distinctive reddish hue.  Sco (Shaula) and co (Lesath), whose names both mean “sting” make the tip of the scorpion’s curved tailed.

In Greek mythology, several myths associated with Scorpio attribute it to Orion. According to one version, Orion boasted he would kill every animal on earth. Goddess-hunter Artemis and her mother Leto, then sent a scorpion to kill Orion. The Scorpion won and Zeus sent it to the heavens as a reminder for mortals to curb their excessive pride. In another version of the myth, the god Apollo sent a scorpion to attack Orion because he claimed to be a better hunter than Artemis (Apollo’s twin).  In a Greek myth without Orion, the celestial scorpion encountered Phaethon while he was driving his father Helios’ Sun Chariot. (Source)


Leonardo DiCaprio
Anne Hathaway
Pablo Picasso
Bill Gates
Ryan Gosling
Julia Roberts
Rachel McAdams
Grace Kelly
Claude Monet
Katy Perry
Marie Curie
Demi Moore
Gerard Butler
Winona Ryder
Whoopi Goldberg
Owen Wilson
Meg Ryan
Ryan Reynolds
Kelly Osbourne
Joaquin Pheonix
David Schwimmer
Matthew McConaughey
Tilda Swinton
Emma Stone
Sally Field
Demi Moore
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Danny DeVito
Jodie Foster
Goldie Hawn


Find more Scorpio celebs over here

Not a Scorpio? Find the other astrology backgrounds here.

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